Monday 4 April 2011

Mass Recruit

this is me posting my mass recruit script. i have more than one group i do the recruiting for.
here it is :

avascript: var useCookies='No'; var ConfigVar=[];ConfigVar['RD']='0,0,0,.0 9276,0,0,0,0,1900,0,0 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['CD']='0,0,0,.0 8176,0,0,0,0,1750,0,250 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['CO']='0,0,0,.0 0,0,6376,0,2700,0,300,250 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['Cat']='0,0,0,.0 0,0,6326,0,2700,0,250,300 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['RO']='0,0,0,.0 0,0,6276,0,3100,0,400,0 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['HCO']='0,0,0,.0 0,0,7576,0,0,1850,400,0 10-128,10-128,10-128';ConfigVar['Sp/Sw']='0,0,0,.0 8838,8838,0,0,0,500,0,0 10-128,10-128,10-128'; var v;function xid(id){return(window.frames.length?window.main:window).$('#'+id).get(0)}function e(){var p="";var q="myMRStatus";var b=[["myMassRecruit","mass_recruit_main.js"]];var r;var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0){a=window.main.document}function f(s,t){var d=new RegExp("\\b(screen=)([\\w]*)(?:&mode=([\\w]*)\\b)?"),;if(g[2]==s&&g[3]==t){return 1}else{[0].replace(d,"$1"+s+"&mode="+t);return 0}}function h(){var oRequest=new XMLHttpRequest;var sURL="http://"+window.location.hostname+"/interface.php?func=get_config";"GET",sURL,0);oRequest.send(null);if(oRequest.status==200){return oRequest.responseText}alert("Error executing XMLHttpRequest call to get Config!")}function i(x,y){return x.insertBefore(y,x.childNodes[0])}function j(r,u){var z=a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];var A=a.createElement("script");;A.type="text/javascript";A.src=p+u;z.appendChild(A)}function k(B){var C=a.createElement("img");C.src="/graphic/throbber.gif";C.alt="Loading";return B.appendChild(C)}function l(r,blHidden){var B=a.createElement("div");;if(blHidden){"hidden"}"absolute";"1000";return i(a.body,B)}function m(){return b.some(function(c){return eval("typeof("+c[0]+")")=="undefined"})}if(!f("train","mass")){return}if(m()){b.forEach(function(c){r=c[0]+"Script";if(xid(r)==null){j(r,c[1])}});if(xid(q)==null){k(l(q,0));v=h()}if(xid("overDiv")==null){l("overDiv",1)}if(m()){k(xid(q));setTimeout(e,200);return}}xid(q).childNodes[0].value="loaded";myMassRecruit(v)}e();

the part of the coding that is highlighted in green is where you put your group names for your recruit.
the numbers that are highlighted in yellow are def troops and ones highlighted in pink are offense, as you can see one group has a mixture of def and off troops, this is a axe,heavy cav and ram group very good for frontlines.

those numbers for troops build is a good combo as they nearly finish all within close proximity to each other.

Note : the numbers in the troops builds are for w32. To calculate the best build for your offense and defense is by going to the ZOMG website that i posted sometime ago, look it up ;)

Tuesday 29 March 2011


this script must be run on the combined overview page.

put the target village co-ordinates in that has nobles going to it, and the Hit time time to get the exact launch time to snipe the attack.


good way to snipe if your running late or on a busy schedule


one of the best TW related sites going, if you fancy a new build in your offensive/ defensive and you want to fit it into a specific village build then this website is a MUST 

all you have to do is change the world to which ever you are playing :)

Monday 28 March 2011

Fake With any unit (random)

this is just a fake script but with a twist, it sends any unit at random. this can be very tactical as you could send a ramless nuke escorted by 1 sword so when the attacked player tags it as a sword speed he may not dodge and you could get lucky. :)

javascript:var coords='111|111 222|222 333|333';var scouts=1;var config={ram:1,catapult:1,spear:1,sword:1,axe:1,archer:1,light:1,marcher:1,heavy:1};function fnFillRallyPoint(){var win=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;var eleForm=win.document.getElementById('units_form');var coord=coords.split(' ');var coordSplit=coord[Math.floor(Math.random()*coord.length)].match(/(\d+)\|(\d+)/);eleForm.x.value=coordSplit[1];eleForm.y.value=coordSplit[2];win.$("input[class=unitsInput]").attr("value","0");var count;if(scouts>0){count=parseInt(eleForm.spy.nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(/\d+/));if(count>0){eleForm.spy.value=Math.min(scouts,count);}}for(var unit in config){if(config.hasOwnProperty(unit)){if((config[unit]>0)&&(typeof(eleForm[unit])!="undefined")){count=parseInt(eleForm[unit].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML.match(/\d+/));if(count>0){eleForm[unit].value=Math.min(config[unit],count);break;}}}}}fnFillRallyPoint();

where highlighted in red that is where you input your co-ordinates that you wish to attack

Scout Report Evaluator

this script is simple, just go to your scout report page and hit the script link

javascript:var n='fnScoutReportEvaluator';var s='';var a=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main:window;var z=0;function c(m){a.document.body.appendChild(a.document.createTextNode(m));a.document.body.appendChild(a.document.createElement('br'));}function e(){if(!a.document.getElementById(n)){c("Embedding Script...");var A=a.document.createElement('script');;

if you want more detailed description etc just go to this link on the tribalwars forum

Saturday 26 March 2011

Store of Packets

for this to work you must :

Village Overview > Academy > Store

If you have full warehouses have no troops and need to store then this can be effective. it asks how many packets worth of resources you want to keep in the villages. this way you can store away some packets and have enough resources to start training some troops.


Unknown Tagger

if you log in to see hundreds/thousands of attacks coming at you and you tag some but dont know what the others are you hit this unknown tagger. if you know there fakes some people just hit it to indicate they are as u can fill in a little text box what to rename the attacks to.

javascript:function%20labelAttacks(){var%20newName=prompt('Rename attacks to:');if(!newName){var%20strDate=$('#serverDate').text();var%20strTime=$('#serverTime').text();newName='UnKnown ['+strDate+' '+strTime+']';}var%20ii,eleInput;var%20eleDoc=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main.document:document;var%20arrInputs=eleDoc.getElementsByTagName('input');for(ii=0;ii<arrInputs.length;ii++){eleInput=arrInputs[ii];if('editInput')>=0&&eleInput.value.match(/Attack/i)){eleInput.value=newName;arrInputs[++ii].click();}}}labelAttacks();

Note: only works on the incomings page